Aaron Justice CCHt., CTHt., CIHt.
Human. Hypnotherapist. Storyteller. Spirit.
The journey of my life thus far has molded and shaped me into the person that I am today. The many trials, issues and circumstances that have occurred along my path has created a deep well of empathy, compassion and experience Combined with an unwavering thirst for knowledge and unbridled curiosity of human psychology, the life experiences have created a passion within me to join others in their own stories, their own struggles, their own brokenness, in order to facilitate change and inspire growth and expansion.
Along with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Creative Writing, I am a Certified Hypnotherapist with diplomas in Clinical, Transpersonal and Interpersonal Hypnotherapy from the renowned Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy
As a spiritual being having a human experience, I consider myself to be a storyteller and healer by nature. Both run in my lineage, in my blood, through my lifeforce. If love is the language of my heart then story is the language of my soul.
I believe that each of us are beloved characters who create stories that are compelling and emotionally engaging by beautifully and truthfully presenting and reflecting our universal journey through the human condition that we simply call life.
As such, we all tell stories. To one another and to ourselves. Brokenness occurs when the lens through which we tell these stories becomes distorted beyond the truth. And the truth is love.
All of the stories we tell are either based in love or in fear. The majority of people are telling stories completely based in fear, even if they don’t even know it. The results of which are highly detrimental to our mind/body/soul as well as our relationships and our lives overall.
However, this misperception can be corrected. Through hypnotherapy and dedicated life and spiritual guidance, my purpose is to help assist you in shifting the foundation of your perception from fear to love.
When we do this, the stories we tell become blessed. Our relationships, our mind/body/soul, our lives…become blessed. Love helps us to tell better stories. We tell better stories, we live better lives.
My passion is to help us tell better stories. To ourselves. To one another.
My mission is to help us love. Ourselves. And one another.
Recent Press: I Love The Burg Article
“I’ve worked with Aaron for a while now, and EVERY single session with him has been so deeply healing. He seems to know exactly what needs to be looked at and addressed. He helps point me to what’s needed in order to heal and facilitate true positive change. He holds space in such a loving, supportive, compassionate and safe way. I feel held in every session with him and he helps guide me toward the answers within, to the light within. I have worked with a lot of healers and space holders and Aaron is exceptionally skilled and talented in identifying the issues and knowing exactly how to address and heal the issue at the root in a loving and safe way. He is extremely intuitive and follows his client’s lead while pivoting when needed. He is a true healer and has been able to handle everything that has come up in our sessions, and creating such a safe space for me to freely express myself and heal deeply rooted trauma. I am so grateful to have found Aaron and plan to continue to work with him. Working with him is a gift, I cannot recommend working with Aaron enough.”
~ Kiana S. New York
No mountain too high. No valley too low. The sky has no limit. Spirit has no bounds. Master your emotions. Master your mind. Master your life.
International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists
Code Of Ethics
1. Compassionate Service: As an Interpersonal Hypnotherapist you practice love and service in a balanced and harmonious approach with all of humanity.
2. Advancement of Hypnotherapy Profession: In all activities related to the profession and association with the IAIH, the primary goal must be to build trust and credibility for the hypnotherapy profession.
3. Standards of Professionalism: In Interpersonal Hypnotherapy, we acknowledge that no one symptom, energetic imbalance, or emotion exists as an isolated entity. In a universe of inter-connectivity, we must not separate a human being into discreet parts and assume that we can treat that part aside from the whole.
4. Scope of Practice: With medical and mental health conditions we honor that Interpersonal Hypnotherapy is powerful, and the methods that are discussed ideally require that the hypnotherapist receives the prescription, referral, supervision, or direction from a "licensed practitioner of the healing arts." IAIH members will have a full understanding of the hypnosis laws that regulate them on federal, state, county, and city levels. It is each individual's responsibility to understand the scope of their credentials and to engage their profession legally and ethically. IAIH works with its members to provide support and works to improve legislation that positively impacts our profession and the lives of our clients.
5. Health & Safety: All hypnotherapists and associates of the IAIH will keep health and safety at the forefront of all activities for themselves and their clients.
6. IAIH Client Agreement and Disclosure Form: IAIH members are required to use the IAIH Client Agreement and Disclosure Form with all clients and may only modify as needed for individual identifying purposes.
7. Maintaining Confidentiality: Members have a primary obligation to take all precautions to protect confidential information obtained. All confidential information shall be stored in a safe and protected manner. Clients receive a copy of the IAIH Client Agreement and Disclosure Form. Clients' confidential information is protected and only provided to others under court order. Acquisition, maintenance, and disposal of Protected Health Information shall be in a manner consistent with current HIPPA laws (or equivalent) of the state or province where the member practices. International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists
8. Individual Respect: All members shall hold respect for the individual in high regard and hold precious the sacredness of each relationship.
9. Communication: Members shall professionally endeavor in all activities to create a culture of open and honest communication about hypnotherapy and the IAIH.
10. Capitalism & Competition: Members understand that in a capitalist environment competition is an acceptable result and will act within ethical guidelines in all competitive environments.
11. Advertising and Marketing: Members agree not to imply in their advertising and marketing communications that they provide medical or psychotherapy services unless qualified to do so. Members agree not to advertise hypnotherapy as a substitute for medical or mental health treatment. In advertisements or in promotion of their practice members agree not to use words outside of the scope of their training, such as "treatment," "cure," or "healing." Members agree to not refer to themselves as a psychologist, psychotherapist, therapist, doctor of hypnotherapy or licensed hypnotherapist, unless qualified to do so. When working with clients, members agree not to refer to sessions as "treatments."
12. Referral and Scope of Practice: Members agree to immediately refer clients to appropriate practitioners should they exhibit behaviors or make statements that would indicate the client should be assessed by a licensed professional of the healing arts. Any client requesting hypnotherapy for a diagnosed condition requires a prescription, referral, supervision, or direction from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. Members agree that those under the age of eighteen, those considered minors, and/or those who need parental consent shall provide written proof of parental consent before hypnotherapy services are to be provided.
13. Conflicts of Interest: Members and staff will follow all policies of the IAIH regarding conflicts of interest with any person or persons and act accordingly. The sacredness of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy constitutes that members and staff should refrain from intimate or sexual contact with clients or students for a period of two years after the conclusion of the professional relationship.
14. Payment: When setting fees, members establish fees that are fair, reasonable, and commensurate with the services performed. Bartering arrangements are not encouraged. When entering a bartering relationship involving services, the potential exists to create conflicts of interest and misunderstandings in relationships with clients.
15. Discrimination: Members agree to respect all persons seeking help through hypnotherapy by not discriminating against clients based on sex, religion, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, handicap, or age. Clients under the age of 18 must have parental permission to utilize hypnotherapy services and parental signature must be obtained before any service is to be provided.
16. Recording: Before recording voice or images, permission must be obtained from clients in writing. Recordings will be treated as confidential unless use is expressly permitted for demonstration, public use, or marketing.
17. Termination of Relationships and Service: Interpersonal Hypnotherapists take reasonable steps to avoid abandoning clients who are still in need of services. Should the member feel it is in the best interests of the client to withdraw services, then members should assist clients in finding or making appropriate arrangements for continued assistance with the appropriate professional.
18. Length of Service: Interpersonal Hypnotherapists shall strive to become obsolete in the lives of their clients in a timely manner and not prolong services unnecessarily.
19. Society and Politics: When possible and appropriate, members should promote social and political conditions that encourage respect for all persons in culture and society. Members should work to abolish the exploitation of, and discrimination against, any person, group, or race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, or mental or physical disability when appropriate and possible, and in harmony with this Code of Ethics.
20. Advance Hypnosis Knowledge and Public Awareness: Interpersonal Hypnotherapists maintain a commitment to education, and will make any relevant information or findings available to clients, colleagues, and the public to continue to advance the science and global benefits of hypnotherapy.
21. Media Presentations and Working with Organizations: When providing public advice, presenting in public, engaging on the internet, blogging, using radio, print advertising, television appearances or any medium demonstrating hypnotherapy, IAIH members take precautions to ensure that any and all statements are: (1) based on their professional knowledge, advanced training, and supported by appropriate documentation (2) maintain a consistent approach in alignment with this Ethics Code, and (3) are truthful and respect and support the profession of hypnotherapy.
22. Personal Interests and Issues: IAIH Hypnotherapists should refrain from participating in activities knowing there is a substantial likelihood that their own personal issues may prevent them from performing their work in a competent manner. Should an IAIH Hypnotherapist become aware that any personal issues are causing them to not perform their work adequately, they agree to seek appropriate assistance in order to find balance and harmony, and restore their competence.
23. Ethical Behaviors: In all situations, members are expected to act in a manner that is professional and ethical, and above all else, they should "Do the Right Thing" if no ethical rule, policy or procedure applies to the situation.
24. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement: Members are expected to uphold the highest standards of professionalism in all areas of their business practice including but not limited to avoiding plagiarism in the publishing of marketing collateral, website content, blog posts, articles and books as well as copyright infringement including representing techniques, metaphors, protocols, language patterns, and /or audio and video recordings as their own whether online, in print, one-on-one with clients and / or in trainings, workshops and seminars. Additionally, content presented on the IIH and IAIH websites may not be duplicated or distributed in any way and may not be reused, repurposed in whole or in part without the express written permission of the appropriate member of Anahat Education Group, Inc..
25. No Retaliation and Discrimination: a. IAIH Certified Hypnotherapists do not discriminate against or retaliate against any persons having made a complaint or being interviewed by the IAIH Ethics Committee prior to, during, or after any rulings have been made. b. The IAIH upholds a "no retaliation" policy and will enforce immediate dismissal and rejection of certifications should any such activity be found accurate and truthful after an investigation.
26. Unethical Conduct of Colleagues: Shall unethical or illegal practice of hypnotherapy become evident by a colleague or other practicing hypnotherapist or hypnotist; it is a member's responsibility to report abuse and unethical use of hypnosis or hypnotherapy to the IAIH and/or any other governing body.
27. Cooperation with other Professionals: When appropriate and indicated, when it is not in violation of a client's confidentiality, and with the client's consent, members will cooperate with other professionals in order to serve the greater good of the client.
28. Trainings and Teachings: Any trainings, materials, or information acquired by members may fall under the umbrella of proprietary information and should be treated as such unless written permission is given to distribute said materials.
29. Continuing Education and Maintaining Competence: All IAIH certified practitioners are required to engage in 30 hours of hypnotherapy related education every two years through IAIH approved organizations.
30. Infractions and Complaints: a. Any infractions of this Code of Ethics are subject to review. Such review is laid out in the policies and procedures section. All review determinations will be duly recorded and processed as outlined within the policies section. b. The Board of Advisors will form a committee of 3 members to serve as the Ethics Committee to review all written complaints, whether peer-to-peer or from the public, regarding services received from our members. The Ethics Committee will determine the validity of said complaint or inquiry and maintain the utmost standards for those practicing as Interpersonal Hypnotherapists. Should there be reasonable cause, the Ethics Committee will form a review board to receive testimony from all parties. After the complaint and response to the complaint are reviewed and a decision is reached, a findings report will be issued to all parties. A 30-day appeals process will then commence for the accused to challenge the findings. Failure by the accused to respond to the complaint within the allotted time will default to the accuracy of the reports. Review and subsequent findings of all complaints will result in one of the following: 1) Dismissal of the complaint as invalid, 2) Member receives a written warning, 3) Member is given a reasonable timeframe to halt or change the behavior or practice that brought about complaint, 4) Suspension from the association for up to 5 years, 5) IAIH membership is revoked permanently, and should an illegal practice or behavior be discovered thereafter, a report will be made to the appropriate authorities. c. All written peer-to-peer complaints regarding activities of our members shall be reviewed, and should there be reasonable cause, the Ethics Committee will form a review board to receive testimony from all parties. After the complaint and response to the complaint are reviewed and a decision is reached, a findings report will be issued to all parties. A 30-day appeals process will then commence for the accused to challenge the findings. Failure by the accused to respond to the complaint within the allotted time will default to the accuracy of the report's findings. Review and subsequent findings of all complaints will result in one of the following: 1) Dismissal of the complaint as invalid, 2) Member receives a written warning, 3) Member is given a reasonable time frame to halt or change behavior or practice that brought about complaint, 4) Suspension from the association for up to 5 years, 5) IAIH membership is revoked permanently and should an illegal practice or behavior be discovered thereafter, a report will be made to the appropriate authorities.