Sometimes in life, We get so caught up in trying to act out or engage in the behavior of the qualities We consider to be positive ….that We forget that We must embody those qualities first.
In short….We need to mentally change the verb to a noun.
Love is the very fabric of existence woven into the cosmic tapestry called everyday Life.
At Your core, You are this Love. Any deviation from that is a by product of human egoic consciousness.
This is not inherently negative, but when We forget that We are Love and root Our identity in Our egoic consciousness, Our actions begin to bear undesirable fruit.
A faulty virus has slithered into our subconscious mind, like the serpent in the tree.
How do we avoid the hiss of the serpent?
The seductive whisper of the egoic consciousness and the multitude of enemies it brings.
We remember. We choose again.
The tree slathered in serpents is not the only tree in the garden.
Mindfulness. Spiritual, mental and emotional discipline.
Every. Single. Day.
Moment. By. Moment.
When We remember Who We Are (Love) and become rooted in that Truth, then the Tree of Our Life begins to bear good fruit.
Or, as some would say…The Fruit of the Spirit…