3 Beautiful Ways Hypnotherapy Can Transform Your Entire Life 

What hypnotherapy is and how you can utilize it to change your life.

The practice of hypnotherapy has transformed my life so drastically that I have now dedicated this leg of my career to learning it, honing it and ultimately utilizing it to enable and influence immense change in others. 

But, what does that actually mean? It means I am licensed and highly trained (well over 500 hours) to help people along their journey through the modalities of hypnotherapeutic practices. So, what exactly is hypnotherapy?

To look at this question, we first need to address the questions of what is hypnosis and what is the function of the subconscious mind. 

Simply put, hypnosis is a completely natural, yet altered state of mind and being where the mind and body are in such a deep state of relaxation that the conscious mind steps out of the way long enough for the subconscious mind to be fully present. Think of it along the lines of a highly desired state of meditation. 

Within the subconscious mind is a conglomeration of activity that houses many of the aspects of ourselves that control our daily behavior. Emotions, beliefs, memories, imagination, perception and habit control are just a few of the complex programs that operate out of the subconscious.

Since all of these programs are the exact facets that lead to 90% of our thoughts and behavior, their care and well-being are of the utmost importance.

This means, in order to care for and heal the subconscious, you have to operate within the subconscious level. Enter hypnotherapy.

During the process of inducing one to a relaxed hypnotic state, the hypnotherapist bypasses the analytical conscious mind and speaks directly to the subconscious mind. Then, they use a variety of different modalities to address the specific issues and bring resolution and transformation to the heart and mind.

Hypnotherapy then, is the process of using therapeutic modalities to help one through the utilization of meditative trance-like states that enable direct access to the subconscious mind. So then, how do we utilize these hypnotherapeutic processes to change our behavior? 


If you were to think of your mind as a computer, which would be somewhat appropriate, your conscious mind would serve as the monitor while the actual hard drive of the computer would be your subconscious. 

With beliefs, the subconscious mind behaves similarly to the way the hard drive of a computer acts in regard to a virus. Once a negative belief (virus) goes into the subconscious mind (hard drive) it goes into a loop and remains, repeating the loop over and over until a different belief takes it place. It doesn’t die or tire out, it simply keeps repeating. 

Therefore, the only way to eliminate a negative belief is to replace it with a positive one. This is done in the same way as the input of the negative belief…by introducing the new positive belief directly to the subconscious mind and putting it through repetition. 

With hypnotherapy, you can directly access the subconscious mind with regard to a great number of issues. In this contact, the old negative beliefs can then be replaced with new, healthy, positive beliefs through a process of implementation and repetition. 


When an event happens to you, your subconscious mind form a belief around that event. Beliefs then lead to thoughts, which lead to emotions, which lead to behaviors. 

Events happen to us that jar us, scar us and often times traumatize us. More often than not, these events happen to us at a very young age before we are old enough to process them in a healthy way. 

These events traumatize us to the point where we subconsciously develop negative beliefs from this event. As we get older, these beliefs constantly lead to emotions, which consistently lead to behavior. When this happens over and over again, negative thought and behavior patterns emerge, often in very unhealthy and even destructive ways. 

How many of us have had negative thoughts, hurtful emotions and bad habits that we wish we could do something about, but don’t really know where to even begin to tackle the issue? Hypnotherapists know where to begin. You begin with the beginning. 


It all begins somewhere. Every thought, every word, every feeling, every action, every behavior. The subconscious mind is the home of two of the most powerful cognitive abilities we have as human beings: memory and imagination. 

 The subconscious mind is the storehouse of all the events that have happened to us. Also there, are the actions, words, behaviors that we have made up in regards to that memory according to our own personalized perception of what happened. 

The reality of the events that happened are not exactly the way they happened. It’s only ever how you remember they happened according to your own perception which was colored by a variety of different factors such as age, gender, experience to that point and so on. 

The beauty of this is that it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t actually matter what technically happened to you that has caused these wounds because in the present day, the happening of those events doesn’t authentically exist. The only thing that remains is the issues caused by that event that only exist in your current day mind. 

That’s the beauty of a hypnotherapeutic process like age regression, which allows you to revisit the event, people, thoughts, feelings and beliefs in order to make the necessary repairs to facilitate healing. 

Instead of just treating the symptoms (behaviors and emotions) hypnotherapy gets to the root of the problems by addressing the event and the people involved at the level where the problems actually began. 

This is one of the many reasons hypnotherapy has been shown to be more effective than psychotherapy and talk therapy, which certainly have their place. Hypnotherapy doesn’t just address the symptoms, it goes to the very root of the problem. 

Life can be difficult. Unfavorable situations, specifically with the people in our lives, happen. These events create beliefs buried deep within our minds and continuously come up through our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. 

But, it doesn’t have to be this way. We are powerful beings. We can master our minds. We can master our emotions. We can master our lives. Hypnotherapy is an amazing tool that I have personally developed as a spiritual and self-development practice that, heals my mind, enriches my life and develops my future. 

Eliminating negative thought patterns, behavioral patterns and healing old wounds can lead to a life of joy, happiness, fulfillment and peace. When you are thriving in your thoughts and feelings, you begin thriving in life. Then, entirely new worlds of possibilities open for you. 

Transform Your Heart. Transform Your Mind. Transform Your Life.