The S.T.O.R.Y. Method

Have you ever gotten part way of halfway through a film or a novel and realized: “I don’t really like this story” AND/OR “I don’t really like this main character’?

It makes you want to put down the novel, walk out of the theatre, choose another Netflix, or just put the story down altogether. Perhaps choose another story with a more likable or more relatable lead character.

But, what if that lead character was YOU. And that story was YOUR LIFE?

If you are here, chances are that right now you are writing a story that you are somehow unsatisfied with.

That story is your life. That main character is you.

Here’s a story: One dreadful morning in my early 20’s, I was going through a particularly dark period of life. Nothing was working out for me, I was anxious and depressed. I was in full victim mentality and leaning on a variety of different bad habits to help me “cope” with my misery. These bad habits and behavior were spiraling out of control and causing issues in every other area of my life.

That morning, I called my dad to tell him the latest news of negativity that had just happened and he sat and listened to me patiently. I finished ringing out the whole complex story of what had happened and how I felt about it. After I finished, I paused and waited for him to reply. A few moments of silence passed and then he said into the phone matter of factly, “Well Aaron…you’re the one who keeps writing that story”.

And he was right. Although it was, of course, the last thing my ego wanted to hear at the time, in my heart and soul, I knew it was true. I was humble enough to easily admit as much, but I had no idea how to start re-writing that story or if I could even begin writing a new story.

Because of the days and years that followed, I now know how to re-write the story and also how to begin writing a new story.

We all have a story. Many stories, in fact. Our lives in the past are remembered in stories we call memories. Stories we wrote in days long past. Presently, we write the stories of our unfolding day, hour by hour, minute by minute. The future, blank pages that are as of yet, unwritten.

There’s the PAST. There’s the PRESENT. And then there’s POTENTIAL.

Sometimes life can be challenging. Difficult. Tragic. Heartbreaking. Sometimes life presents circumstances that are unfavorable to the lead character of the story. And the main character of that story is YOU. Let’s call that character: The Hero.

During your journey, you will encounter challenges. Obstacles. Comedy. Tragedy. You will face elements that will try you. Test you. Break you down. Such is the nature of the Hero’s Journey. However, this is not to dismay you. Your past has a purpose. Your pain has a promise.

I exist and work with you in the present, so that we may look back on the past for healing in order to look forward to the future with hope.

That’s why I developed the powerful 12-week intensive: To help you identify past stories that are holding you back, bring those stories to a healing and therapeutic conclusions, and finally begin re-writing your present story so that you are firmly in the author’s seat for the rest of your life.

The course develops as follows:

S - Subconscious Stories

T - Truth Telling

O - Order

R - Relationships

Y - You

WEEKS 1-3 - Subconscious Story Re-writes

WEEKS 4-5 - Truth

WEEKS 6-7 - Order

WEEKS 8-10 Relationships

WEEKS 11-12 Your Self

Payment Options: The total cost of the three-month intensive is $3,000. It can be paid one of three ways:

The total upfront at the end of the first week’s session.

Half upfront of the end of the first week’s session and the second half due at the end of the last session.

Installments - One-third at the end of the first session. One-third at the end of week six. One-third at the final session.

Story is the foundation of how we live and how we communicate. Even with ourselves. The central characteristic of story is conflict. This conflict can often leave us hurt, traumatized, damaged and scarred. We don’t have to suffer these wounds for the rest of our lives. There is another story to tell. The healing journey. ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ climaxed in a crucifixion, but that wasn’t the end of the story. It ended with a resurrection.

Take back the pen and your power. Sit at the blank page and dare to dream again. You are the author of your life. Come with me on a new journey…and let’s start writing again.